RememberPresence Quickstart: Just click the link
Managing a rP Zoom meeting couldn’t be easier. There’s only one thing to remember: click the link in your email. We do everything else.
At least 20 minutes before your meeting, you’ll receive an email like this one. It will come from RememberPresence, but it has a banner with All of the “system” emails you receive will have this banner because they come from the underlying platform — the engine that runs rP.
You have only one task: click that link.
This will start the meeting and you will notice some fine touches, like your profile image (or event image if there are multiple teachers) and display name with pronouns have been set.
The only issue to worry about (and this only counts for the first time) is to make sure you find that email. If it’s less than 20 minutes before your meeting, your email program has likely sent the email to a spam folder, or in the case of GMail, your Promotions folder.
If you do not have access to your email or can’t find the start meeting email, you can also start your meeting from the Teacher Dashboard. Look for the orange button on the upper right. It will appear whenever you have a meeting about to start.
While you received that email, your attendees will receive a fully-branded email with the banner you supplied us. Times will be in their local time zone. If they prefer Spanish, it will be translated for them.
Like you, they have one task to do: click that link.
That will bring them into your meeting, and their display name will be set to the first name and last initial from their registration/subscription (this makes it very easy to look up their profile during the meeting) followed by the pronouns they have selected.
If they have selected auto-donation, they will have a reminder that when they join your meeting, we will charge the auto-donation.
In the case we’re showing here, Alden has not chosen auto-donation, but he can make a one-time gift by following the link. He can also set up or adjust his pledge.
Like all subscriptions, you can unsubscribe.
If he forwards this email to someone else, they will be able to use the link to join your Zoom, but it will have Alden’s display name. If he posts it publicly on social media, the first to use it will enter with Alden’s name, but thereafter we will detect Alden is already in the meeting and block everyone else.
We will detect he forwarded the email after the meeting and warn him that’s not a good idea and invite him to have his friend subscribe, instead. If he continues to share his link this way, we’ll quarantine him.
Your attendees will receive an additional email from that looks like this one. It can be a little confusing to get two emails, but they both have the same link.
The reason for this is an insurance policy. Some people have very strong spam blockers that will block all emails from unknown domains like However, Zoom emails always get through.
It’s a little unfortunate, but better two than none.
If people ask about it, tell them not to worry, both links are the same and it doesn’t matter which they click.
Whatever you record in your meeting we send to your subscribers, including the people who attended today. They receive a simple branded email with the link to this recording. You can start and stop recording multiple times and we will send all your clips.
We track this link just like the Zoom link and the viewer will be reminded they will be charged their auto-donation if they view the video, provided they haven’t already offered the donation by joining either on Zoom or in-person. We always block auto-donation from being collected more than once per session.
They will be able to view the session, but not download it. Available for a limited time is intentionally vague, as we may adjust the grace period based on how much resources videos are consuming, but they will always have at least a week.
Familiarize yourself with your Teacher Dashboard and view its tutorial behind the Help button in the upper right. It looks like the image to the right.
You’ll find more resources on the Teacher Resources page.
That’s it! You’re now a RememberPresence pro!